It was almost 60 years ago that my mom accepted her free home brainwashing sessions. I have to agree with my fellow travelers here of my "generation" that today's JWs seem especially dumb and weak, "un-qualified to be ministers," we might say.
This is the fault of the WTB&TS itself. They built their Watchtower on the sand of false prophecy, fabricating "bible-based" chronology as it suited them, patterning a "New World Society" on the laws of ancient Israel, gleefully ignoring the concept that Jesus came to FULFILL and DO AWAY WITH Mosaic law, drawing goofy conclusions about how THEY fulfilled almost EVERY prophecy ever recorded in the Bible, playing "fill-in-the-blanks" games with their membership, then blaming that membership when the blanks were filled with the conclusions, anticipations, speculations, and expectations that were provided by the WTB&TS in the pages that THEY WROTE. This has been topped off by an "Armageddon is very close but probably won't come in your lifetime" sense of non-urgency. So the time for boring public talks has been reduced, the time for boring meetings has been reduced and the time requirement for boring door-to-door work in the face of an unconcerned public has been reduced. Soon a pioneer will be putting in ten exhausting hours a month.
Back in my day (the old man complained) we may have been WRONG, but we BELIEVED our message and we believed that ours was a life-saving work that was required if we were to save OUR OWN lives. Today, not so much, it seems.